Monday, June 24, 2013

2010 Heitz Grignolino

This wine is produced from a small planting of Grignolino owned by Heitz in Napa Valley. According to Heitz; “The Heitz family’s love affair with Grignolino began in 1961 when Joe and Alice purchased their first 8-acre vineyard. Previous owner Leon Brendel christened the property “The One & Only”, an homage to the only varietal he planted—the zesty Grignolino often referred to as ‘the little strawberry’ in its native Italy.”

Mostly planted in Piedmont, this might be the only varietal Grignolino produced in the United States. According to Jancis Robinson et al., “In California, Heitz of the Napa Valley persist with their Grignolino plantings, making a rose’ and sometimes a port-style wine from them.”

The 2010 Heitz Grignolino is pale in color—bringing fourth a slightly tart strawberry/raspberry fruit accompanied by a spicy nutmeg, clove, and a slight phenolic bitterness that will be well tempered by food. This is a fairly lean wine that is soft on tannins and high in acidity and one that will be beautiful beside Bolognese and curried salmon alike.

Microsoft Word, 'Heitz' and 'Grignolino' are legit--add to dictionary. #sommelierproblems

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